Friday, July 3, 2009

"Mission to the Moon", Flash Animation!

Video Clip Details
Clip Title : Mission to the Moon
Date : 2009-06-28
Clipal Score : 67 of 100
Video size : 9.29 (MB)
Description : I created this music video for my band, Lunar active. It's about a guy who is assigned by some aliens to save the world from imminent destruction. It has some serious elements to it, but a lot of humor too. I had a deadline on this, so I tried to keep it simple, but you'll see I got a little more into the project at the Moon City (and the intro which I added later). I did the whole thing in 30 days, and I'm pretty happy with it. As with every project, there's things I would change, but I'd rather just continue on to the next project.

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